• The Committee on Masonic Education is responsible for fostering Masonic education and proudly presents this program on self-improvement to all Master Masons within the Grand Jurisdiction of Virginia. This program has been developed to assist the individual Mason, as well as the Blue Lodge.

    A well-rounded Mason will use this program as but one method of improving himself. When these Masonic Leadership & Correspondence Courses are taken together with the Training for the Subordinate Lodge Officer (SLOT), Area Mini-Conferences, the educational opportunities afforded by your District Educational Officer and your Lodge Educational Officer, and other programs and publications offered by the Committee, it is hoped that we may enlighten good Brethren, so they may excel as tomorrow's leaders of this gentle Craft.

    • This glossary contains common terms that are utilized in the Moodle online learning space by the Committee on Masonic Education.  This glossary is not exhaustive; however, it may answer some questions about common terms that are used in courses. 

Site announcements

Welcome Subordinate Lodge Officers

by Jonathan Giles -

Hello Lodge Officers!

You have been granted access to Moodle to test the Correspondence Courses below.  Each course requires registration (enrolling for one course does not enroll you in all four).  Take your time in enrolling in courses and follow the module progression as outlined in the content.   

Next to your initials or picture there is a bell and speed bubble.  The bell contains any new updates or messages that you may have since logging in, including when an item is graded.  The speech bubble is a chat system were you can message members of the community.   

We encourage you to use the course feedback in each course and the messaging system for any feedback you have on Moodle.  Looking forward to hearing about your experiences.   

Jonathan A. Giles, MPS, FGCR
Grand Provost

LMS Update: March 6, 2024

by Jonathan Giles -

Greetings to all of the early access users!  

As you have been invited to test this new platform, I welcome you all to the Moodle learning space!  Over time, we expect to develop this into a robust training system for our Brethren. 

As the courses are developed, please note that some items are incomplete.  Course I has objective (quiz) learning for all of the necessary items in the current Correspondence Course.  Course III has been revamped for the new Masonic Trial process.  If you are testing anything, I strongly recommend testing these two courses.  

As soon as updates are made to the other items, information will be posted here.  If you have any specific feedback on a quiz item or a course issue, please email me at grandprovost@glova.org and include the title of the course with an issue in the email subject line.

Thank you all for being a part of this process and making education a priority in our Commonwealth.  


Jonathan A. Giles, FGCR, MPS
Grand Provost
Grand Lodge, A.F. & A.M., of Virginia

Available courses

This course covers the application of the Virginia Methodical Digest, Virginia Ritual, and historical knowledge for the offices of Junior Warden, Senior Warden, and Worshipful Master.  This course is designed in four modules.  Each module contains necessary reading, a quiz, and an essay question.

This course provides an overview of the role of the Deacons in the subordinate Lodge, the various roles of Appointed Officers of the subordinate Lodge, and various Grand Lodge information. The course integrates various components of the first and second sections of the Virginia Methodical Digest with some introduction to Masonic law.

This course is especially recommended for prospective District Deputy Grand Masters, Worshipful Masters and District Educational Officers.

This course covers the Methodical Digest, planning for your year as Worshipful Master, as well as the responsibilities and guidelines for Lodge Officers.