Sunday, 16 February 2025, 5:13 PM
Site: Grand Lodge of Virginia Committee on Masonic Education
Course: Grand Lodge of Virginia Committee on Masonic Education (Grand Lodge of Virginia Committee on Masonic Education)
Glossary: Online Learning Glossary

Assistant Grand Provost

The Assistant Grand Provost is the second officer of the Committee on Masonic Education and supports the Chairman (Grand Provost) and committee members in the delivery of Masonic Education throughout the Commonwealth.  The Assistant Grand Provost is appointed by the Grand Master of Masons in Virginia. 


Committee on Masonic Education

From §1.75(l) of the Virginia Methodical Digest:

"The members of this Committee shall be appointed from each of the general geographical division of the state who shall be Division Provosts and, in addition, the Chairman shall be the Grand Provost, who shall not represent any division.  Such other members may be appointed to meet the special needs of the Masonic Education program....

This Committee shall conduct such conferences, seminars and forums of Masonic education as it may deem appropriate or as the Grand Master may order. It shall review and approval all publications of the Grand Lodge concerning Masonic education with the exception of the Virginia Masonic Herald."



District Education Officer

The District Education Officer (abbreviated DEO) is the education officer for each district in the Grand Lodge of Virginia.  The DEO serves as a resource to subordinate Lodges and acts as the liaison to the Committee on Masonic Education.  District Education Officers provide programs, teach courses, and support Masonic learning throughout the state. The office of DEO is appointed by the Grand Master upon recommendation by the Grand Provost. 


Division Provost

A Division Provost is the area representative for the Committee on Masonic Education (COME) over a division containing multiple districts.  The Division Provost serves as a resource for District Education Officers (DEOs) in his region and facilitates COME programs/events in the area.  There is one Division Provost in each of the Masonic divisions of the Commonwealth.  Each Division Provost is a member of the COME. 


Grand Provost

The Grand Provost is the Chair of the Committee on Masonic Education and the education officer of the Grand Lodge of Virginia tasked with sharing and implementing education programs across the Commonwealth.  The position of Grand Provost is appointed by the Grand Master of Virginia. 



A module is a part or portion of a course. Modules break down the learning components into separate sections that allow the learner to easily see the information being presented.  Some modules may only open when a required topic is completed or a score is achieved. 


Moodle is the online learning managment system (LMS) that the Committee on Masonic Education utilizes to delivery courses and learning opportunites to Virginia Masons. 



Quizzes are a form of objective learning that measure a learner's capcity to chose one correct answer or set of answers from a list. While quiz questions may be updated from time-to-time the learning is still measured from a set of answers that are provided. Quizzes measure the learner's recall of specific information. 



A rubric is a learning measurement instrument used to grade subjective or learner written responses based on a series of criteria.  Rubrics allow course grades to provide quick feedback to learners and encourage development of content in a course.