Greetings to all of the early access users!
As you have been invited to test this new platform, I welcome you all to the Moodle learning space! Over time, we expect to develop this into a robust training system for our Brethren.
As the courses are developed, please note that some items are incomplete. Course I has objective (quiz) learning for all of the necessary items in the current Correspondence Course. Course III has been revamped for the new Masonic Trial process. If you are testing anything, I strongly recommend testing these two courses.
As soon as updates are made to the other items, information will be posted here. If you have any specific feedback on a quiz item or a course issue, please email me at and include the title of the course with an issue in the email subject line.
Thank you all for being a part of this process and making education a priority in our Commonwealth.
Jonathan A. Giles, FGCR, MPS
Grand Provost
Grand Lodge, A.F. & A.M., of Virginia